Sunday, August 12, 2007

Yankees Keep Winning, Blah, Blah, Blah....This Site Was Busier When The Yankees Stunk So How About Some Other News (About The Yankees)?

Derek Jeter has reportedly given Jessica Alba herpes. I've read it on a variety of sites. The one site mentioned that Alba's assistant had to keep getting Alba's Valtrex refilled. So who did Jeter get herpes from? Some random skank? Mariah Carey? Scarlett Johannson? Jessica Biel?

In other news, man that Jeter gets some famous chicks, anyway in other news from a while back. Don Mattingly was at The Simpsons movie premiere because he guest starred. That was a great episode and not just because so many eventual Yankees were on it. Each player had their own unique problem that kept them from playing - except Darryl Strawberry.

Mattingly again. He said he was asked to host Saturday Night Live back in '84 or '95 by turned it down because he was scared. I don't know how he would have done but athletes usually let it all hang out on SNL. There have be quite a few memorable skits-last year's Peyton Manning United way, Derek Jeter in drag with David Wells and David Cone, Joe Montana playing a kid who said at the end of one skit "I'm going upstairs to masturbate!"

I thought I was change things up a but since it was all about the Yankees sucking now it could be all about the Yankees winning. What else could be said? How many times can each of us post about the same thing?


Blogger TheJackSack said...

Good post, Scooter. I remember that Joe Montana SNL appearance. It was like watching a hero fall flat on his face. But it was funny!

Is Alba really knockin' boots with Jeter? I'm sorry, I can take Jeter having Mariah Carey, Jessical Biel, etc. But Alba was mine. That burns me something fierce. Hey Jeter, why don't you go and have sex with Goose's sister while you're at it... what an animal.

7:49 AM  

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