Sunday, November 11, 2007

Turncoat, Thy Name Is Mattingly

Does anyone's opinion of Don Mattingly change now that he'll be in a different uniform? Maybe once the season starts things will change. It's just seems strange that he would be on another team. There aren't many players that this would seem odd. Nowadays players come and go. He's just one that you wouldn't expect to go. Though Mariano and Jorge could go. Andy went and returned. Derek's the only one left. I always thought Don would be a Yankee for life.

In a related statement, George Steinbrenner striped Don Mattingly of his Greatest Yankee Player of the '80s.

He has given that title to Mike Pagliarulo.

Steinbrenner was heard saying, Pags is the Greatest Yankee Player of the '80s. He better honor that title or Steve Balboni will go after that thing like it was a meatball sub.


Blogger Anthony said...

My God, is that Balboni in the last picture? He was giving "lessons"? That is truly hilarious!

I have to admit, Mattingly was never one of my favorites. I was always a Winfield guy. I was too young to really remember Donny as a great player. Much clearer are my memories of what seems like his glacial and endless decline, and the fact that he was an American League Mark Grace for the second half of his career, but worse.

Add to that what seemed to me to be lick-lipping at the end of the Joe Torre era, and I say good riddance, Don Mattingly. Good luck teaching Milton Bradley how to hit a curve ball.

8:02 PM  

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