Wednesday, May 30, 2007

A-Rod is a pimp

A-Rod decided it was time to create a distraction away from his last place team by getting caught with a blonde tramp in Toronto.

Details are here.


Blogger J. Marcavage said...

Wow, how could that be printed? Anything to make a buck I guess.

There's no way it was a reporter who travels consistently with the team. The players trust those guys not submit this kind of stuff.

And the NY Post? I guess it really is a gossip newspaper. Geez, talk about throwing your team under a bus. I feel bad for Arod. He was probably walking by that girl and somebody snapped the picture.

9:22 AM  
Blogger J. Marcavage said...

I retract my last sentence.

9:38 AM  
Blogger Anthony said...

What the frig are you talking about? He's hammering the ball out of that girl, there is no question about that. It's a sick situation. How many times has Arod literally bragged about his wife, about how she helped him in therapy and all that nonsense? In fact, I don't think I've ever heard a player talk about his wife more often than Arod.

Which makes this quote from the front office all the more funny:

Yankees spokesman Jason Zillo said A-Rod has "never commented on his personal or private life, and he's not going to start now."

Haha...yeah. Arod blathers about his personal life at every opportunity.

What a jag.

9:46 AM  
Blogger J. Marcavage said...

He smashed her? Sinful.

1:16 PM  
Blogger garboman said...

I'd have smashed her. Huzzah arod!

11:49 PM  

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