Friday, February 16, 2007

Mussina and Pavano

Mussina is "speaking his mind" about Pavano in Tampa. I personally think this is all nonsense and that Mussina is going too far. Did Pavano really dog it? I highly doubt it. Why would he? Is it more fun to watch your peers in a playoff race from the sidelines, knowing they all think you're a joke? It's one thing for Muss to say that Pavano has something to prove, which is true and which he has said several times already, but I think he's harping on it to no one's benefit. It's not like Pavano can prove himself overnight or even in a month or two. He has to go the entire season without injury and be productive. So continuing to say the guy has something to prove when it's completely obvious and when it's going to hang over him the entire season, well, I don't think that's good for chemistry or a very good motivator. These guys better start learning how to pick each other up a bit. This Yankee team becomes increasingly less likable each season, it seems.


Blogger J. Marcavage said...

I disagree. He has everything to prove, regardless who says it. Stand by and watch is peers lose the playoffs? Yeah, I can buy it. The guy has been... well a moth.. and no one can deny it. And of course he'll never say, "I wish I wasn't there" or "I didn't lose this one." Because he would be murdereed.

We live in Yankee country. I don't care who you are? We've got Arod for God's sake, and we've questioned his existence from day one. Everyone in the clubhouse is probably feeling like Mussina. But they are so diplomatic. Yeah, we owe this guy alot of money, but he owes us good seasons dammit. I hate Carl until he pitches a gem. And I pray that he does. Cause NY will eat his soul.

1:36 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Carl, me, you, Torre, everyone knows he much pitch well.

Could calling him out in public be a motivator? Possibly. Could calling him out in public send him back to Alyssa Milano for some lovin'? Possibly. She's hot. Want to touch the heinie. Wait what were we talking about? Oh yeah.

Pavano. Alex won the MVP and then had no Yankee Allies (publically.) If nothing else let him pitch well enough that someone takes him ala Jaret Wright.

7:59 PM  
Blogger TheJackSack said...

Muss' comments don't help the situation, they only add fuel to the angry flames encircling Pavano. Don't get me wrong, I wish the Yanks would cut the slob, pay him to NOT play for us and get someone in the rotation that has a better attitude and is more reliable. Pavano is a bust, there is little chance he will resurrect himself. And Pavano is probably a clubhouse cancer, as reflected by Muss' unfiltered comments. But there needs to be that wall between the clubhouse and the media on matters like this- and the players need to be more respectful of one another in public.

11:40 AM  
Blogger garboman said...

Moose should know better, but goddamn I hate that sack of shiot pavano
Speaking of cancers, isn't this whole arod jeter situation ridiculous too? Jeter got his feelings hurt and doesn't like arod; who cares?

5:14 PM  

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