On Sunday starts the first and final thrashing of all of ye by the best damn group of boys I've ever managed, the baseball club Walter Hagen's 7-Iron. I invite you all to gleefully participate in what will be a most quixotic journey for the whole lot of you jags.
Owner, Walter Hagen's 7-Iron
I don't know what's worse, you using a screen shot from Bagger Vance...or that fact that I recognized a screen shot from Bagger Vance
I searched high and low for a screen shot of the best scene in that terrible movie, which is so obvious that it doesn't even require mention, but couldn't find it.
What's with the trash talk? Just because I'm not on bended knee before the Altar of Soriano, I don't deserve this thrashing!
P.S. Hagen could drink all of us under the table.
You know what I'm looking forward to? That point mid-season when I'm in fourth or fifth place but the explode into contention. Cue Jack Lemmon!
Junnuh? Does anyone see any negro caddies on our blog list? Junnuh was nothing without Bagger, and I don't see any pixelated ghosts haunting the pages of Steiner's Warriors.
I deleted the Horse's head post from earlier this afternoon because my brand of humor is obviously a little stale today. I promised myself I wouldn't be unfunny this year, but good intentions alone don't make a man successful.
I'm going back to my hole.
Now you didn't need to go and do that. It sparked some good exchanges on our past experiences with Bagger Vance.
Umm, I don't know if "ghost" can be construed as a racist term, but just to be safe, I was referring to the fact that Vance was a supernatural phantom who disappeared into the mists at the end of the movie, not that he was black.
SPOOK is the racist term, friend. SPOOK!!!!
Actually, ghost is slang for white man. I've been referred to as "ghost" or "casper" a few times as I graced the halls of Lackwanna Junior College.
Look, you can never be too careful in my line of work.
But honestly, is that Hagen picture not beautiful? I'm so honored to bear his name on my fantasy team. So honored.
Hey, here's a funny thing. This afternoon Adam's team was named "Hagen's Horseheads." Now, having checked the league, it's named "Pop Fisher's All Stars." How peculiar. How very peculiar that is.
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