"I've got confidence in Angel, because he's got confidence in the Lord," remarked Steiner. "Ortiz, Tejada, these guys love the fire and brimstone stuff, and Angel's been preaching over at Abington Penecostal since he was three years old. Giambi tells me that he had my fiancee Marie speaking in tongues just last night. It's great to hear she's finding a spiritual side."
"When you believe in Him, He will lift up the batted balls and the keep the gloves firmly down, when you believe in Him!" said St. Clair to the assembled team this morning in a melodic cadence. "When you believe in Him, He will keep the OPS up and the WHIPs down! When you believe in Him, say it with me now!"
Not all players, however, were as enthusiastic about St. Clair.
"To be honest, I'm skeptical," said newly acquired Jason Kubel. "I mean, there were no legitimate witnesses to the resurrection. None." Kubel was quick to remark, however, that "St. Clair is one of the great baseball minds of our time."
St. Clair has yet to reveal his starting lineup for Monday, promising only that it will be "infused with Spirit" and "ready to beat Dodort and Beat Dodort's Team, as well as those other sinners and villians, so help Him."
UPDATE: Mike Sweeney demands trade to Hagen's 7-Iron.
Only when I read your comment above did I find this whole damned thing funny. If Farrakhan takes over "Beat Dodort's Team," will Carl Everett make the same demand?
Funny or not, you're in for a season's worth of it!
What, Terry Francona wanted more money to manage your team?
Terry Francona is Catholic. Enough said.
So is Patrick Garrity.
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